The Best Bauernbrot Is Found at German Bread Guy

Bauernbrot at German Bread Guy - personal review

A few weeks ago, I finally stopped by The German Bread Guy after hearing so many wonderful things about their traditional farmer’s bread. I have to say, it exceeded all expectations. The texture was dense yet chewy, and the flavor was perfectly tangy and rustic.

It was honestly the best bread I’ve had in a long time.

So, instead of taking the usual path where I am reviewing restaurants, I will take a break from that and share more about this bakery, what it has to offer, and my favorite food I found there.

The German Bread Guy offers a variety of breads, including:

  • Rye rolls
  • Ciabatta rolls
  • Seeded rolls
  • Rustic rolls
  • Parmesan ciabatta flatbread
  • Incredible stick
  • Ciabatta loaf
  • Rustic stick
  • Cranberry raisin bread
  • Cherry walnut bread
  • Multigrain sourdough
  • Sourdough sandwich bread
  • Semolina sandwich bread
  • Bauernbrot (rye farmer’s bread)
  • Whole wheat multigrain

Apple Raisin Brioche

In the “sweet” category, the bakery features several brioche pastries:

  • Chocolate OverDose Brioche
  • Cinnamon Brioche 
  • White Chocolate Brioche 
  • Coconut Chocolate Brioche
  • Poppy Seed Marzipan Brioche
  • Apple Raisin Brioche

Personal favorites

Chocolate OverDose Brioche

Two things blew me away – the Bauernbrot and Chocolate OverDose Brioche.

That Bauernbrot, or rye farmer’s bread, is seriously the best. It’s got such a hearty, spicy flavor, almost like a cracker. And the texture is dense and chewy, it’s just perfect with any food.

I just had to learn more about how it is made. The process is not that different from any other type of bread.

Here is a basic recipe for Bauernbrot.

Introduction to Bauernbrot

Ingredients for Bauernbrot

Preparing Dough for Bauernbrot

Shaping the Loaf for Bauernbrot

Rising the Dough for Bauernbrot

Baking Bauernbrot in the Oven

And the result was more than I was expecting honestly, especially because I am just a beginner in the kitchen.

My First Attempt to Prepare Bauernbrot at home.
This was my first attempt to prepare Bauernbrot at home.

The next thing I have to highlight is Chocolate OverDose Brioche… I’m not kidding when I say it is dangerously good. The brioche is so soft and buttery, and then they swirl in the richest chocolate. I don’t know how they do it, but it tastes way lighter than you’d expect with all that chocolate.

Chocolate OverDose Brioche German Bread Guy

I’m telling you, this baker knows their stuff. Using quality ingredients and perfecting their craft is easy to taste. These two items are definite must-tries if you ask me.

In summary

If you’re interested in real European flavors, German Bread Guy is the right choice for you. They know how to prepare all the classics. Next time you need a bakery, I say look no further. Their stuff is just too good not to share with everyone. I hope I will find a recipe for that brioche, and make it at least close to this one.

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